Judul : Case Management of Arbitration
Penulis :
Emmy Latifah,
Yudho Taruno Muryanto,
Dini Kartika Salsabila,
Umi Khaerah Pati,
Nurul Sofiatin Zuhro
Desain cover : Jaka Susila
Layout isi : Afif Putri Pratiwi
Preliminary : i – iv
Halaman Isi : 1 – 54
Ukuran Buku : 17,5 x 25 cm
Cetakan Pertama, Februari 2023
ISBN: dalam proses permohonan
This book consists of 6 chapters that discuss about: CHAPTERS I How to Commencing the Arbitration; CHAPTERS II Submission of Pleadings, Documents and Evidence; CHAPTERS III The Hearing; CHAPTERS IV Interim Measures; CHAPTERS V Remedies Against Awards; CHAPTERS VI Recognition and Enforcement of International Arbitration Award.